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Dementia Mate Wareware Network Meeting: Supported Decision-Making and Capacity Video
If you missed the last Network Hui in June, we have a of it available at this link. This was a fantastic session that was so full of information that it actually ran over time. The topics and speakers for the sessions are:

  1. What is Supported Decision-Making, and how can we do more of it?
    Dr Craig Sinclair: Senior Research Fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales
  2. Supported Decision-Making: Views, News, and Reviews from the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner
    Natasha Lewis, Principal Policy Advisor Aged Care, Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner 
  3. What is Decision-Making Capacity, and How Do We Assess it?
    Dr Greg Young, consultant psychiatrist Capital Coast DHB, Director of Area Mental Health Services Hawkes Bay, and clinical senior lecturer at Wellington School of Medicine
  4. The Law Commission's Review of Adult Decision-Making Capacity Law: What is Happening and How Can You Have Your Say?
    Geof Shirtcliffe, Commissioner, Law Commission
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