01. What is the New Zealand Dementia Foundation?

The New Zealand Dementia Foundation is an independent, national organisation that promotes best-practice dementia care through leadership in research, education, support, advocacy and influence. We exist to improve the lives of people affected by dementia, and we do this by supporting the dementia workforce to do their best work:

  • We support the supporters 
  • We champion the champions 
  • We work for the workforce 
  • We influence the influencers 
  • We educate the educators 
  • We care for caring professionals

02. Who belongs to the New Zealand Dementia Foundation?

Professional support in New Zealand is provided by a workforce of hundreds of clinicians, carers, service providers, researchers and educators, all passionate about improving the lives of those affected by dementia. 

Anyone working towards a better life for people living with dementia in any field is welcome to work with like-minded others in the New Zealand Dementia Foundation. Over 1000 individuals already have joined us - people from a wide range of occupations and backgrounds, including medical, nursing, allied health, managers, policy analysts, academics, and people with dementia and carers. Members are from small private providers, large corporations, not-for-profit, religious and welfare organisations, professional organisations, educational organisations, Ministries and DHBs from around New Zealand.

03. How do I join the New Zealand Dementia Foundation?

Simply fill in and submit the registration form here. Joining is free. Welcome to a vibrant community of passionate people!

04. What are the benefits of joining the New Zealand Dementia Foundation?

The New Zealand Dementia Foundation shares information, education, and knowledge exchange to inspire and strengthen best practices. As a member, you can receive an email update every month, be informed about developments in dementia care around New Zealand, receive email notifications of web portal posts in your areas of interest, and have the opportunity to participate in webinars and other activities. Join us to join the information loop.

The New Zealand Dementia Foundation was created as a voice for the sector. As a sector-wide organisation with hundreds of members from various professional roles, we have a unique position in advocacy and consultation, collaborating with other dementia-focused organisations. Join us to add your voice.  

We passionately believe that sharing the community’s knowledge and experience strengthens the sector. We feature blogs, forums, groups, and more. Join us to join the discussion.

05. Why isn't my registration instant?

As there are unsolicited attempts to access the site, we need to take precautions to ensure the registration is genuine.

06. What aren't theses included in the research radar?

The first stage of the research radar has been to catalogue the published research related to dementia in New Zealand.

We are looking forward to including Masters and PhD theses as a second stage.


07. Can I tell you my great idea for something to add to the website?

Yes! We'd love to here about it. This website relies on the contributions, engagement, and suggestions of our members to grow and flourish.

Want to submit a news item? Click here Please note, sorry but we can't accept fundraising events as news items.

Want to submit a blog? Click here We recommend that guest blogs are around 700 words in length.

Want to suggest something else? Drop us a line at info@nzdementia.org

08. Where can I read the privacy policy and terms of use?

You can read the terms and conditions here

You can read the privacy policy  here

09. How do I update my details?

Go to the menu at the top left of the screen, and click on "My Profile". 

To change your email address: Click the my account tab. Change your email address and click update.

To change other details: Click the my profile tab. Change the details and then click update.