A good day engages us in meaningful activity.

New guidelines published in 2022 by the Royal College of Nursing recommend that staff consider and plan meaningful activity in the care and support that they provide. What is striking is that the guidelines say that meaningful activities are a fundamental of care, just like nutrition or bowel care. The guidelines point out that meaningful activity doesn't just mean structured activities like groups or an outing, it can be the little moments when you engage the person in meaningful conversation, play their favourite music, or involve them in activities of daily living.(Trueland, 2022)

That is this month's big idea - meaningful activity is a fundamental part of person-centred care for people living with dementia. Meaningful activity can:

  • bring pleasure and meaning to the person's life 
  • support social interaction, and
  • help maintain the person's self-identity

Meaningful activities can help to support wellbeing and maintain skills and abilities. It all comes down to knowing the person, their needs, and their interests. (Improvement Hub, 2021). Here are four resources to help you dig deeper.