The Dementia Mate Wareware Network   

Te Tūhononga mō te Mate Wareware

The government has endorsed the New Zealand Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan (the Action Plan).
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora - the Maori Health Authority now want to make sure that they involve people living with dementia mate wareware and the dementia mate wareware sector when making decisions about how to get the action plan done.
To make sure that this happens, we have set up a new group, called the Dementia Mate Wareware Network / Te Tūhononga mō te Mate Wareware.
The Network will make sure that individuals and groups who work with people living with dementia mate wareware and people living with dementia mate wareware themselves and their whānau will be heard when the Government makes decisions about the future of dementia care and support.

Our mahi / work 

You can watch videos of past hui presentations and read discussion documents to find out more about what the Network has achieved so far.